back it up

got me a new website and since my old one is no longer on the interwebs i figured i'd post a few highlights and random snippets from the past before diving into the here and now...thought the image below well suited the blog post title....and away we go

this piece is titled "holy handbag" was one of four pieces i painted for a short series that mocks sexuality in advertising and high end can check out the other three in the work section of my site

this piece is titled "holy handbag" was one of four pieces i painted for a short series that mocks sexuality in advertising and high end can check out the other three in the work section of my site

wasn't really sure where to start with the back posting bit so i cheated and read my own that seems kinda narcissistic but hey, it totally worked because i love painting walls and the en masse dudes rule 

i met jason botkin and a few other awesome peeps from en masse when volunteering at the sd art fair which led to my participation in painting on this wall in mexico...we also painted on a moving car as it waited to cross the border...brilliant

i met jason botkin and a few other awesome peeps from en masse when volunteering at the sd art fair which led to my participation in painting on this wall in mexico...we also painted on a moving car as it waited to cross the border...brilliant

it's not very often i get to participate in museum shows so when i do i always feel honored....momento mori at oceanside museum of art was the most recent of such shows

this is my piece from the's titled "the absurdity of unreasonable reasoning"...basically it was me venting about a recent ex who broke my little heart...but for a more eloquent sound and profound effect i'll refer to this quote: "When a ma…

this is my piece from the's titled "the absurdity of unreasonable reasoning"...basically it was me venting about a recent ex who broke my little heart...but for a more eloquent sound and profound effect i'll refer to this quote: 

"When a man has learned within his heart what fear and trembling mean, he is safeguarded against any terror produced by outside influences." 

I Ching, Hexagram 51

now that i've added two highlights taken directly from my bio i'm gonna get to a random snippet....i'm an old man now but in the days of my youth i rode my skateboard religiously....that enthusiasm for the art of skateboarding carried on well into my adult years and i even still ride the useless wooden toy from time to time today....long story short skateboarding means a lot me so you can imagine how stoked i was to have a piece of my work on colin mckay's wall

the painting is titled "dissolve doubt and set sail in the assurance of favorable winds"'s a good life lesson i came up with and i am still trying to implement the idea on a daily basis - sorry for the ridiculously shit photo but i wanted to sh…

the painting is titled "dissolve doubt and set sail in the assurance of favorable winds"'s a good life lesson i came up with and i am still trying to implement the idea on a daily basis - sorry for the ridiculously shit photo but i wanted to show the space and couldn't find the original pic so i just highjacked it from can get a much better view of the piece in the work section of my site

those first entries are all relatively recent but the whole holy shit really aspect of seeing my work on a guys wall that i used to watch videos of when i was still popping zits made me think of a mural opportunity a few years back... i was invited to paint a wall in portland and then discovered i'd be painting over herbert baglione's work....

felt really strange to be painting over such a talented established artist so i began by duct taping a separate little painting on wood to the wall to preserve at least a small section of his the time i went back the next day to finish th…

felt really strange to be painting over such a talented established artist so i began by duct taping a separate little painting on wood to the wall to preserve at least a small section of his the time i went back the next day to finish the piece and take a couple pics someone had already stolen the small wooden painting...revealing a little grey square of his piece

alright, i'm already tiring of this catch up exercise so i'm going to call it for tonight but i'll probably do a couple more back posts before i end up posting anything current or maybe i'll post some current shits then go flashback on it...who knows, all i know is smiles are good medicine so hopefully this little guy will get you grinning

have a loosely related on going series called "animal style"...don't tell in-n-out about the title because i can't afford a lawyer

have a loosely related on going series called "animal style"...don't tell in-n-out about the title because i can't afford a lawyer